2008年的情人节, 低调的发布了他们的 的2.2版,您可以 或者 包含源代码的版本。下面是SDF2.2中的一些修改和新增的内容: 一.修改和修正
- Bug fix in CRC class
- Bug fixes in audio classes
- ConnMgr EnumDestinations fix
- ConnMgr RequestDisconnect fix
- Adapter fixes for setting IPAddress, DNSServer, Gateway
- StreamInterfaceDriver fixes for IOCTL calls with null data
- TextDataAdapter fixes
- AccesPoint 和AccessPointCollection 移至 NetworkInformation namespace
- Many OpenNETCF.Net enums moved to OpenNETCF.Net.NetworkInformation to align with FFx model
- NetworkInterfaceWatcher reworked for new networking classes
- ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig added overload to allow passing context to ConfigSectionHandlers
- See our for possibly more fixes
- Drawing.CopyPixelOperation
- Activate/DeactivateDevice methods
- class
- .GetData / Set(int) methods
- .Pulse method
- allows main form to remain hidden on startup
- FileSystemMonitor class (works in console apps)
- Toolhelp namespace is now desktop compatible
- Messaging namespace refactored to allow stand-alone use
- 命名空间扩展
- ArpEntry
- ArpTable
- GatewayIPAddressInformation
- GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection
- IcmpV4Statistics
- IcmpV6Statistics
- IPAddressInformation
- IPAddressInformationCllection
- IPAddressCollection
- IPForwardEntry
- IPGlobalProperties
- IPGlobalStatistics
- IPInterfaceProperties
- IPProtocol
- IPRoutingTable
- IPStatus
- IPv4InterfaceProperties
- IPv4InterfaceStatistics
- IPv6InterfaceProperties
- MulticastIPAddressInformation
- MulticastIPAddressInformationCollection
- NetworkInterface
- OperationalStatus
- PhysicalAddress
- TcpConnectionInformation
- TcpState
- TcpStatistics
- UdpStatistics
- UnicastIPAddressInformation
- UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection
- WEPStatus
- WirelessNetworkInterface
- WirelessZeroConfigNetworkInterface
- (桌面兼容性代码)
- SettingsFile
- Setting
- Settings
- SettingGroup
- SettingGroups